Small Machinery Oil
RVS Technology for Small Machinery
For treating different kinds of small machinery and other applications:
- Chainsaw Treatment for chainsaw engines and chains
- Marine Gear Oil
- MC Chain Lube for motorcycle and bicycle chains
- Premium Universal Oil for other vital lubricated objects
For other small internal combustion engines, you can find products in the gasoline engine treatment section.
Chain Saw
The product is designed for treating the 2 - stroke engine, chain and chain bar, The package includes the appropriate amount of RVS substance for treating a normal ' family size' chainsaw. Alternatively, it is enough for treating two chains and bars. One-half of the contents is used for the engine, the other for the chain and bar.
Chain saw treatment instructions PDF
Marine Gear Oil
Marine Gear Oil is high quality and effective special oil for marine transmissions, and it can be used in both Z and L type transmissions. It reduces friction effectively, and, as a consequence, it reduces wear, noise, and vibration.
RVS marine gear oil instructions PDF
MC Chain Lube
The product is designed for treating drive chains in motorcycles, scooters etc., but it is excellent for bicycle chains and other chain driven machinery. MC Chain Lube produces a ceramic protection on friction surfaces, and the oil is environmentally friendly, as it is biodegradable. It sticks to the chain and is not slung off even at high speed. The product gives effective protection against rust. The product is delivered in a 150-ml spray bottle.
RVS Technology motorcycle chain lube instructions PDF
Premium Universal Oil
Premium Universal Oil is biodegradable protective oil for demanding lubrication needs. It protects from water and corrosion and effectively reduces wear. The product is delivered in a 150ml spray bottle.